HOT DOG! Health Insurance & Hot Dogs with Joe Filice Day

Date and Time
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM EDT
The East Orlando Chamber is offering traditional Health Insurance to EOCC members.
Drop by for hot dogs and to talk to Joe about the options available to see if it is right for you & your company.
Are you ready to enroll? We can help you & your employees on the spot.
Not a member? Register & drop by to hear more about it. If it is right for you, lets get you signed up as a member and on the way to Health Insurance for your business.
It is for small companies of one or more people including your part-time, 1099 & contract employees.
Don't wait one more minute to hear about another option available.
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
East Orlando Chamber of Commerce
12301 Lake Underhill Road, Ste. 245
Orlando, FL 32828
East Orlando Chamber, 12301 Lake Underhill Rd. Ste 245 Orlando FL 32828
FREE but Registration is requested
Contact Information
East Orlando Chamber
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