Meet My Pet Networking Happy Hour Highlighting Real Pets Rock Pink! + Pet Trivia
Our networking is going to the dogs...and cats, mice, cows & More!
Join us for "Meet My Pet" Networking After Hours.
Bring your fur friend + be ready to play Pet Trivia and test your knowledge of Dogs in Movies!
We'll give the winner a Bone! It will be a howling good time!
Featuring our After Hours Nonprofit American Cancer Society & Real Pets Rock Pink
You will lap this after hours up. Dress your fur baby up in Pink to celebrate our
featured Nonprofit American Cancer Society & highlighting their NEW Real Pets Rock Pink
Want to show off your Pet?
Real Pets Rock Pink offers your pet a unique opportunity to join the fight against breast cancer and bring a smile to our Striders’ faces! With your $25 donation, you can feature your pet on the MSABC exclusive website and Facebook album, and be entered to win a prize at the end of Strides season! Follow the link to find out how you can participate!
Check out some of the competition in this years event.

Date and Time
Thursday May 28, 2020
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM EDT
Thursday, May 28, 2020
4:30 - 5:30 PM
Online meeting
Contact Information
East Orlando Chamber of Commerce
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