OPTIC Presents: He is the one who knocks; I’m the one that makes you comply

He is the one who knocks; I’m the one that makes you comply
Many of you may be familiar with the phrase “These rules are written in blood” when referring to OSHA safety practices. If not that, there’s also the slightly less macabre, “Every policy has a great story behind it.”
Compliance rules often have similar origin stories… and we’re here to tell them. MSPs are often tasked with helping their small business clients with security compliance needs that may seem absurd, but in reality such controls are there to stop folks like Deviant Ollam from plying their trade.
During this talk Tarah Wheeler – CEO of Red Queen Dynamics – and Deviant Ollam – Renowned Physical Security Consultant and Penetration Tester – will break down and demonstrate some of the attacks that led to the compliance rules which MSPs need to support for their clients.
Live demos, stories, and expert commentary on how these things all relate to MSP client security needs will leave attendees prepared to have more in-depth and informative conversations with their clients about “ridiculous unnecessary compliance requirements.”
(And if you didn’t know, Tarah and Dev are married... watch the onstage sparks fly as they deliver a talk together for the first time ever.)
Date and Time
Wednesday May 22, 2024
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM EDT
May 22, 2024
8:30 - 10:00 AM
Light breakfast bites, coffee & water available
$20 each.
Valencia College East
701 N. Econlockhatchee Trail
Room 3-113
Orlando, FL 32825
Valencia College East Campus, 701 N Econlockhatchee Trail, Rm 3-113 Orlando FL 328025
Contact Information
East Orlando Chamber
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