Optimizing Your Videos For Google and YouTube Search (All-New Info for 2020)
Optimizing Your Videos For Google and YouTube Search (All-New Info for 2020)

Guess what most people overlook in search optimization? Video.
The search trend for media, including video, started to move upward in 2019, and we'll see it explode in 2020.
The bottom line is this. People are ignoring how to get their videos to show up in search. That means you can outpace your competition for search rankings quickly and with permanence. (You gotta do the work, YMMV)
I'll show you how.
Spend an hour with me, and I'll take you through the same step-by-step formula that my students find in my search marketing course.
I rarely teach this level of detail without getting paid. We'll cover everything from how to record good looking videos on a tight budget to the exact formula I use when my clients want me to get their videos showing up at the top of search.
If you sat in on my last webinar, I'm pretty sure your face melted from the hour-long pure-value session. This webinar will be the same, and we are focusing purely on how to get your videos showing up on YouTube and Google search.
Registration link below. Don't be late because I'm coming out of my corner, swinging.
Optimizing Your Videos For Google and...
Date and Time
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
2:00 PM
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Contact Information
East Orlando Chamber of Commerce
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