Ribbon Cutting Ceremony / Open House - Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Worldwide

More Than Aviation -
A collaboration between Industry and Education
You are cordially invited to a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and Business After Hours/Open House to commemorate the opening of Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Worldwide's new campus location in East Orlando! Food and beverages, tours and informational sessions!!
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
2:30 - 7pm (detailed schedule below)
Join Embry-Riddle Worldwide at its new home in Orlando
across from the Central Florida Research Park at the corner
of Alafaya Trail and Challenger Parkway. Stop by to discover
what Embry-Riddle Worldwide has to offer beyond aviation
You’re welcome to stay for all or part of the day.
This action-packed event will include:
(Detailed times for events and session listed below)
• Ribbon Cutting and Business After Hours with East
Orlando Chamber of Commerce.
• Opportunity to meet with Embry-Riddle Worldwide
students, staff, faculty and alumni to discuss relevant
topics such as degree options, career services,
veterans’ benefits and corporate training.
• Sampling of Embry-Riddle Worldwide learning
experience through demonstration of virtual crash
lab technology and live mini-lectures on subjects like
unmanned systems and simulation.
Detailed Schedule and Times:
2:30-3:00 pm Welcome/Ribbon Cutting- (Main Lobby)
3:00-5:00 pm Break-Out Sessions
Meet with representatives from our colleges to learn more about our degrees, visit with current students, Alumni and Veterans Affairs and speak with the Office of Professional Education for training opportunities for you or your company.
Classroom 1: Current Students/Alumni Affairs
Classroom 2: College of Business
Classroom 3: College of Arts and Sciences
Classroom 4: ERAU Veterans Affairs/ ERAU Career Services
Classroom 5: Office of Professional Education/ ERAU Student Services
Classroom 6: College of Aeronautics (with Virtual Crash Lab Demo)
5:00-7:00 pm Business after Hours-(Main Lobby)
Connect with members of the business community in a fun filled atmosphere designed to encourage networking and interaction while enjoying delectable food and drink. Slide into one of our mini lectures presented by our esteemed faculty for an inside peek into our academics.
5:45-6:15 (Session A) and 6:25-6:55 (Session B) Mini-lectures
Classroom 1 Unmanned Systems and Simulation
Brent A. Terwilliger, PhD.
Program Chair-Master of Science in Unmanned Systems
This thirty-minute presentation and question and answer session will feature a discussion of growing opportunities to apply modeling and simulation (M&S) in the rapidly evolving unmanned systems field, including application analysis, development, management, and education.
Classroom 2 Wright Amendment & Effects on Southwest Airlines Marketing
Marilyn Colpitts, PhD.
College of Business
Classroom 3 ERAU Worldwide Campus- Getting a Worldwide Education
William Muldoon, MS
Vice Chancellor, Campus Operations
7:00 Conclusion (Main Lobby)
For more details and to RSVP visit erauorlando.eventbrite.com

Date and Time
Wednesday Aug 5, 2015
2:30 PM - 7:00 PM EDT
Wednesday, August 5th, 2015
2000 N Alafaya Trail Suite 800 Orlando FL 32826
(Across from Bubbalou's on Alafaya Trail)
Contact Information
Jennifer Luke
Send Email