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MarketAtomy LLC

MarketAtomy LLC

Business Counseling & Mentoring Services

About Us

Business Growth Consulting
Developing Relationships...Delivering Results
As a small and medium business owner imagine the freedom and security that comes with knowing what to expect at every step along your entrepreneurial journey. Anticipating the unknowns beforehand would allow you the capacity to consider what combination of tactics would be needed to head off disaster. Imagine the freedom of being able to predict and maneuver potential roadblocks that stand in the way of your success.

Without the elusive crystal ball, the next best thing is having someone in your back pocket that has first-hand knowledge in knowing what lies ahead and can guide you through the minefields to the other side. That is the role of a strategist, more importantly, a sequencing strategist. Unlike traditional strategists who help to identify the route from point A to point B, a sequencing strategist helps you identify alternative routes designed to avoid roadblocks encountered along the journey.

Imagine having at your disposal someone who can, not only help you avoid the roadblocks but get you to revenue faster than traditional strategic planning. What if the knowledge imparted could be transferred to you and your management team so that you could confidently tackle any obstacle you encounter?

MarketAtomy, LLC was established with one goal in mind…to empower entrepreneurs with the tools and knowledge you need to build your business on a rock-solid foundation. We do this by providing a growth development-learning environment for small and medium business owners.

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Danna Olivo
