Orlando Science Schools

EducationEducation - Charter Schools
About Us
Orlando Science Schools
(A+ Rated Public Charter School)
Orlando Science Schools will give parents and their students a choice of rigorous science, technology, engineering, math, and reading-focused programs in Orange County. This public charter school endeavors to provide its students with excellent leadership skills and the academic and social acumen they need for the best colleges in the Nation.
The purpose of Orlando Science Schools is to provide an intellectually nurturing learning environment; to enable its students to reach their maximum potential in all subject areas; and to provide a high quality school choice option to the community.
Every Orlando Science student will achieve their personal success and become a responsible and productive citizen of our community. Orlando Science will work collaboratively to ensure all students succeed. Placing the highest priority on high quality instruction will support consistent student achievement. Thus, all students will attain improved performance levels annually, as measured by county, state and national assessments.